Southport’s newest Royal Ark Mariner
At Southport Royal Ark Mariners Lodge on 7th October The Worshipful Commander Brother Colin Jenkins was proclaimed Commander until the regular Installation Meeting in 2022.
WC Bro Taylor Wardens and Deacons with Senior Members
The Worshipful Commander then expertly Elevated WBro Mark Taylor PProvGInspWks into the Degree of Royal Ark Mariner. He was ably assisted by his Wardens, Bro Neil Latham and Bro Alan Foster and his Senior Deacon Bro Jim Molloy. The whole Ceremony including the Working Tools and Explanation of the Nine steps was all executed without any Ritual Book being in evidence.
WC Bro Taylor and Special Rep
In all an excellent evening which included a Fish and Chip Supper!
WC Bro Taylor Wardens and Bro Stan Martin RAMGR
Pictures and words by Maurice Evans